Hollywood Police Officers' Pension Fund
Performance Evaluation Summary 
September 30, 2009
Manager Equities Fixed Income Cash Total % of Total
Buckhead $11,105,000 $0 $745,000 $11,850,000 6.3%
Eagle Small  $8,910,000 $0 $24,000 $8,934,000 4.8%
Eagle Mid $5,785,000 $0 $36,000 $5,821,000 3.1%
Rhumbline Mid $6,337,000 $0 $0 $6,337,000 3.4%
DHJ $21,396,000 $0 $586,000 $21,982,000 11.7%
Inverness $41,048,000 $83,244,000 $6,862,000 $131,154,000 70.0% Inverness-Equities 21.9%
Israeli Bonds $0 $1,269,000 $0 $1,269,000 0.7% Inverness-Fixed Income 44.4%
Total $94,581,000 $84,513,000 $8,253,000 $187,347,000 100.0% Inverness-Cash 3.7%
% of Total 50.5% 45.1% 4.4% 100.0%
Target % 50.0% 46.0% 4.0% 100.0%
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